Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Have you missed me????

Moving is a bitch YO!
Doesn't it seem redundant to wrap and pack things, drive fourty minutes and unpack the same things?
Last time we moved I had a good month while everything was on a boat before I had to face all the junk I just shipped across an ocean to an island. I had time to miss my junk.
Now I open a box and go ughhhh not you again.
Here's a short discussion about stuff for your viewing pleasure...

Plus we moved into a model home with all it's perfectness.
I have a hard time tarnishing it and getting rid of the
pretty- but -just- for- decoration -towels- with- the- rafia- bow- that- are- hot- glued -together- so they can never end up on the floor.

How perfect is that?

And the perfect closet with built in everything.
Must get wood hangers to keep that look up.
And perfect closets don't have that flower girl dress of your daughters you can't get rid of
Yeah it kind of sticks out like a sore thumb.
And our garage is not so perfect but that's what garages are for especially in Hawaii where homes are smaller, no basement so where else do you put your junk, I mean Christmas decorations.
The first floor of our house looks pretty perfect.
Oh and we bought a penis couch,
Of course it took the boy to point that out to us.
My retort- "You've seen too many R movies lately" (that's a whole other post about how I earned my parent of the year award)
His retort- "hey I happen to have one"