Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is There a God Part Two

Sounds I love
That amazing belly laugh of a toddler
sounds I will never forget
last night a blood curdling scream
that shakes you inside out
sheer terror in your child's eyes
sheer terror inside your heart while trying to be calm
visually to your child on the outside
it's always scary when there is blood and you can't see how bad it is
but when you get a look
and you don't even know how this is going to end up
that is when the brave mom shit has to kick in
we were both holding on for reassurance
It's ok, it's o.k
breathe in and hold,
look at me,
look at me,
it's going to be o.k
is it (I ask myself)
is it (tell her yes)
holy shit
I've used up my stress "receptors"
my job description lately is stay calm
assure everyone it is going to be ok
crisis management
is my number one skill on my resume of late
but can I just say
I cry uncle
God or whoever you are give me a
freaking break