Tuesday, April 14, 2009

you're a heartbreaker, don't you mess around with me

so here's the heartbreaker
I've moved, I cried
I've moved, I cried
my Dad not always there so much
in the repeated program
I move, I cried
my Mom was stoic
that's how it goes
just do it.,
fast Forward to my young family life...
I remember when i had to move my family by myself
boy four, girl two
Like I packed the whole house myself
but that was o.k
I had training
no complaining
when I shared with my Mom how overwhelmed I was
her response was
"it's amazing what you can do
when you have to"
Which is so true

I vowed that I would not do "that" to my children ever
no moving
no moving
and now I have to step up to that challenge
because you can' t always control everything in life
I hope my children are confident
without question
that I love them