Friday, December 18, 2009

Room For Improvement

things that didn't work so well this week....
trying to type with four fingers,
attempting to take out stitches myself,
oush not ready yer

(see above about typing with a handicap, that was meant to be... ouch not ready yet)

substituting for 12 second graders one day before christmas break,
trying to figure out what to do when 12 second graders all have to go to the bathroom at the same time,
and they are all SO THIRSTY at the same time,
and they are wielding scissors.
I think I might have a claim for post traumatic stress disorder ( not to make light of those that really suffer from that, I'm purely going for humor here)

and last but not least my desire to work on my agoraphobia and social anxiety...
I think the 2nd graders set me back a few years.
but don't get me wrong they are all sooo cute, I just have no classroom management skills.


Anonymous said...

I first read that as "12th graders," not 12 2nd graders. That would have made me feel much worse for you! :)