Sunday, February 1, 2009

The White House Is Now On Hawaiian Time

George Bush once locked Colin Powell out of a meeting for being late.

President Barrack Obama said recently, "sorry we are running a little bit late"
He kept the Senate waiting while he was meeting with House represenatives to ensure the economic stimulus bill would pass.

And then there's the dress code.
Former President Bush would not allow anyone into the Oval Office without a Jacket.
Rebublican Strategist Mathew Dowd said,
"There were times when I came in jeans and a Jacket and it was almost as if I'd broken some national security secret.
I was violating an unwritten rule and it was made very clear to me that that's not the way it was supposed to be."

and here is our President being interviewed on Superbowl Sunday:

I love , yet at the same time can't believe that our President said, "I want to give a shout out....." REALLY? our president is that current? It's kind of creepy in a I-can't-believe- it - kind-of -way.
I love his ease , and relaxed demeanor. I love the access the press has had. I love his smile in a time when he faces huge challenges. I love that on day number???? so far he hasn't changed much and he is working hard to fufill the promises he made on the campaign trail.

I like that you can see the influence growing up in Hawaii has had on him. I think that is a huge positive.
and let me state clearly,
this is
not to say the Obama team does not work hard,
I'd say they work smart.