Sunday, May 31, 2009

oh how I love hawaii

Faced with the possibility of moving off island recently
I was faced with a reality...
I've come to love this place
and I was willing to do pretty much whatever it took to stay here,
it was a full circle moment.
My parents were here quite a while ago , my Father's first assignment out of flight school, Honolulu. His classmates teased him because there was nuclear testing going on in the Pacific Islands and they thought he was sure to be nuked. Instead, his job was to fly dignitaries across the Pacific to Asia. It was a charmed life for a newlywed couple.
My sister was born here. So even though I might be considered a mainland Haole, I think that it's serendipitous that here we are.
I grew up with little snippets of Hawaiian culture:
Terriyaki, Don Ho, Tetami tables, Asian art and furniture.
My mother came to die here
now that's a full circle moment
and hopefully that circle will continue
marriages and babies
and more generations
continuing the story that started decades ago.
We are so happy to be able to stay here.
That's all I'm saying.
Lucky we live Hawaii.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Spelling Bee

La·od·i·ce·an (l-d-sn)

lacking in opinion in religion or politics

Here's one of the final words in the national spelling bee.
I know one thing for sure our family is most certainly
Laodicean in our opinions!
So There.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Love this guy....
I actually went for a run the other day after a at least two month break to due the PLAGUE also known as
H1N1 virus the swine flu.

Only kidding just wanted to know if you were paying attention =+)

We had the Haemophilus Influenzae
Also known as the flu that makes you wonder if you will ever sleep through the night, with out coughing again flu
Or will I ever be able to say more than three words without coughing flu
Or the will I ever be able to stop drooling on the pillow flu
and lastly will the magnet be removed from my bed flu?
Yes the boy and I have been suffering from this for 2+ months.
The boy goes for a CT of his sinuses tomorrow ,
but we are on the mends we only cough in the morning
and We'll take that.

Any way back to the run
look how I celebrated.

yup it's a burger.

can anyone say sabotage?

Pooping in Public

Do you ever feel bad for dogs because they have to poop in public?.
I was driving by a dog today, a very pretty girl who looked so embaressed to have to do
THAT in public.
So yeah that is my random thought for the day.
In the end I think I'm WAY too sensitive.
And most people can't relate.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Love Letter To Rob Thomas and My Bonus Daughter

Ouch it hurt, the California Supreme Court decision to uphold proposition Hate. I still don't understand it. If someone told me who I loved didn't matter because it was someone of the same sex, I would feel very devalued as a person. It's so wrong. I'm feeling sad I won't be there at the end of the month to celebrate your love because I've been witness to it and it's special.
I can't wait to see that baby, and watch you both , as you grow in your relationship and your love together. The love your baby will bring will be more than you could ever imagine. I can't wait to be witness to that, your union is amazing.

I wish these were my own words but... here's what Rob Thomas had to say......

"I believe that America is a great nation of even greater people. I also believe that anyone who says that this is a "Christian nation" has RHS, or revisionist history syndrome, and doesn't realize that most of our founding fathers were either atheist or at least could see, even in the 1700s, that all through Europe at the time, religion was the cause of so much persecution that they needed to put into their brand new constitution a SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE so that the ideals of a group of people could never be forced onto the whole. (I also find it funny when people point out to me that it says "one nation under god" in our pledge of allegiance, not realizing that this was an addition made in 1954 during the communism scare of the McCarthy era. It's not surprising, however, knowing that these same people would punch me in the mouth if I called Jesus a Jew.)

I believe the fact that an atheist, who doesn't believe in God at all, is allowed to enter into the holy land of marriage while a gay Christian is not, shows that this law is arbitrary. Are we to believe that anyone who doesn't live their life according to the King James Bible isn't protected by the same laws that protect those who do? Using the same argument that I've seen on the 700 Club, that would mean that Jewish, Hindu, or Muslim weddings are also null and void.

I believe that to deny this right to the gay population is to say to them, "this god is not your god and he doesn't love you." There isn't one person who is against gay marriage that can give me a reason why it shouldn't be legal without bringing God or their religion into it. Still, I'm amazed at the audacity of a small, misdirected group of the ultra-conservative Christian right wing, to spend millions of dollars, in a recession, on advertisements to stop two men or women who love each other from being able to be married, but when you present any opposition to them, they accuse you of attacking their religion. Isn't it funny that the people who are the quickest to take someone's basic rights to happiness are always the loudest to scream when someone attacks their right to do so?

But this isn't a paper about religion. How could it be? Since we clearly have a separation of church and state, how could a conversation about laws have anything to do with religion at all? I'm writing about basic civil rights. We've been here before, fighting for the rights of African Americans or women to vote, or the rights of Jewish Americans to worship as they see fit. And, just as whites fought for African Americans or Christians for Jewish Americans, straight people must stand up and be a voice for gay people."

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Oh, it's a love-hate relationship...
you've been my friend and my enemy
my whole life.
Just when I thought I had it all figured out
you change...had to knock on the door and say
"not so fast". let's mix it up a bit.

Just when I got used to Dad being around, it was time to leave in the middle of the night on a plane.
Just when I found my niche in school it was time to move again.
Just when I could see my place in a new High School, one I knew, it was time to go somewhere else...
a school with 1200 students, not exactly the same.
That definitely CHANGED me.

And then I start to thrive on change...New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Maryland, California, Hawaii.
And then I tire of it.
Just when I was feeling, healing my relationship with my Dad, he's gone;
that's change I could do without.
Subsequent changes with siblings; that's change I could do without.
California, thought we'd be there forever...not so much.
Hawaii, now this, I hope, is finally home.
Mom comes back home (she was here in her young married life); my Mom arrived--- with breast cancer.
She is home, but not here anymore.
That's change I could do without
But I guess change is a synonym for GROWTH

And now we face change again,
new job,
new home,
new schools,
but look at this!
This is what we will see out our back door.
Change is good!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rainbows in Manoa

In the end it's always about the kids
fighting for what you believe in
giving someone a chance that has been dealt
that is a challenge
don't judge me because
I'm imperfect
see me for who I am with so much to give
we fight for that
we care about that
and today on the most special day for some students
in Manoa
It was so worth it to see a student come up
tear filled eyes and say thank you
so worth it
love you for fighting for
That is living a purpose filled life.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Memorial Day

Cancer Haunts me,
It's the shadow in the corner that scares you, and you look away
not wanting to believe in the boogie man.

Once you have been a care giver for someone with cancer
You never forget what it looks like...
Once You have stared cancer in the face,lived with it... the scans, the tests, the chemo, the operations...
I know I'm not alone,
In that fear
of the shadow
that has been precariously bestowed on your soul.
I've talked to people in the same situation
and they share.
not "if"
but "when"
because it's the loved ones who bear witness
and know they might be next
that whole genetics thing that gives us amazing strength, intelligence...and sometimes somethings we can't control.
It's good and bad
because it gives you a new perspective
about what is important;
yet it also takes you a little to the dark side
knowing what those last moments look like...
how ugly they are.
It shakes up what you think the rest of your life will or could look like.

Anytime there is cancer in the headlines,
I pay attention,
Farah Fawcett,
Brett Hudson,
Patrich Swayze,
Christina Applegate;
not that their cancer is any different
than the thousands of anymous suffering,
but they have a chance to do something ,
to share what it is really like.
And fortunatley their fame and the love that goes along with that
can spur people into action and bring awareness to treatments that people with money,to travel, can seek out.

I came across some really compelling information
recently that I would like to share with you.
Bottom line,
alternative treatment can be better treatment... just not approved in the United States.

So the blurb is definitely Hollywood, but check out the Read the blog, ESPECIALLY if you have someone in your life dealing with cancer. You have to be your own medical advocate.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I have always liked the WYSISWYG principle or phoentecily speaking
wizzy wig, or what you see is what you get. I'm kind of that girl, not very good at lying or pretending, or posturing.
It's an asset and a deficit,
I know, but that is who I am and based on that I've come to some realizations......

if you pay attention to the positive energy that comes into your life
and at the same time allow a release of toxic relationships
open to new possibilities
new relationships
if you are open to receiving
what is offered
without fear
it can be a beautiful thing

Friday, May 15, 2009

Grey's Anatomy Finale

My favorite line....Christina...
"You pulled out my icicles."

Holy shit moment...
George was the bus guy!!
did not see that coming.

007 licensed to kill.
George, T.R.
no you can't go I stood in line with you once
my cutie patutie

Hannah no snarky comments , you don't know what your missing;-)

Friday, May 8, 2009

It's The Climb

So about one month ago today our world was
seriously turned
upside down
like dump it all out and see what happens......
i was uncharectilistically calm and believed there was a higher purpose.
for the most part
I had my moments as any stay at home mom would
OMG how to make myself marketable after 15 years
but I took a step back and looked in the mirror
and there was more there than I realized
I could sumon all the marketing skills if need be,
I could be the strong one in the family and remind everyone what their gifts are
and in that moment I realized my gifts,
my strength,
and on the other side ,
I believe we will look back and say
It's the climb......

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's Really Not As Scary As H1N1

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jamie Pugh- Britain's Got Talent

This will make you cry. I'm a sucker for the under dog.

God on high
Hear my prayer
In my need
You have always been there

He is young
He's afraid
Let him rest
Heaven blessed.
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.

He's like the son I might have known
If God had granted me a son.
The summers die
One by one
How soon they fly
On and on
And I am old
And will be gone.

Bring him peace
Bring him joy
He is young
He is only a boy

You can take
You can give
Let him be
Let him live
If I die, let me die
Let him live
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Go to invisible children .com, watch the movie The Rescue and write your congressman. Share the video with friends and family.
If you believe in being a Global citizen, something must be done. When you go to the website click on menu and then watch the movie.

Real or Rumor?

The girl and I fight over two vintage Madonna concert T-Shirt's, Nightly!
To sleep in.

One is circa 1987, "Who's That Girl?", tour.

The other, circa 1990, "Blonde Ambition", tour.

The girl says, "you went to two Madonna concerts before we were born?"
You were naughty.
REAL, no I wasn't naughty, just irreverent.

Oh and I am always ahead of the times because, I wanted Madonna guns before Michelle Obama guns were hot.
Not that I'm trying to show how current , I am, and ancient at the same time , or anything.

Oh and why I have two t-shirts that are umm.... counting....22-25 years old, yeah that is embarrassing and is a whole other
blog post.
for sure.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I Will Always Love You, Dolly Parton

"You either starve or you get fat, it's a bitch!"
-Dolly Parton