Sunday, May 24, 2009


Oh, it's a love-hate relationship...
you've been my friend and my enemy
my whole life.
Just when I thought I had it all figured out
you change...had to knock on the door and say
"not so fast". let's mix it up a bit.

Just when I got used to Dad being around, it was time to leave in the middle of the night on a plane.
Just when I found my niche in school it was time to move again.
Just when I could see my place in a new High School, one I knew, it was time to go somewhere else...
a school with 1200 students, not exactly the same.
That definitely CHANGED me.

And then I start to thrive on change...New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Maryland, California, Hawaii.
And then I tire of it.
Just when I was feeling, healing my relationship with my Dad, he's gone;
that's change I could do without.
Subsequent changes with siblings; that's change I could do without.
California, thought we'd be there forever...not so much.
Hawaii, now this, I hope, is finally home.
Mom comes back home (she was here in her young married life); my Mom arrived--- with breast cancer.
She is home, but not here anymore.
That's change I could do without
But I guess change is a synonym for GROWTH

And now we face change again,
new job,
new home,
new schools,
but look at this!
This is what we will see out our back door.
Change is good!