Thursday, May 28, 2009


Love this guy....
I actually went for a run the other day after a at least two month break to due the PLAGUE also known as
H1N1 virus the swine flu.

Only kidding just wanted to know if you were paying attention =+)

We had the Haemophilus Influenzae
Also known as the flu that makes you wonder if you will ever sleep through the night, with out coughing again flu
Or will I ever be able to say more than three words without coughing flu
Or the will I ever be able to stop drooling on the pillow flu
and lastly will the magnet be removed from my bed flu?
Yes the boy and I have been suffering from this for 2+ months.
The boy goes for a CT of his sinuses tomorrow ,
but we are on the mends we only cough in the morning
and We'll take that.

Any way back to the run
look how I celebrated.

yup it's a burger.

can anyone say sabotage?