Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Day of School Ever!

The only people that wear ties on a daily basis in Hawaii are:
Lawyers, Politicians, Mormon missionaries and
My Men.
Here they are on the boy's first full day of school ever:


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Little Grey's (Fan) Anatomy

so this is the first five minutes of the Grey's Anatomy season opener.
I was needing a Grey's fix so I watched.
It's up to you.
But when I watched it the first time I had full body chicken skin ( goose bumps)
so there.


drama is our life

as much as I try to live in a drama free zone,
drama is our life.
#1 reason is because the boy and the girl are into musical theatre and all things
but as Madonna said, most performers are shy
and that brings me to the audition
they have tomorrow.
leaving on a jet plane (don't even think about it we have a house sitter, two furr oucios dogs and a friend with a Mastiff)
and the girl can't
decide what she wants to sing
and she has to be prepared with sheet music
that is a recipe for crazy
for the whole house
oh no
the whole neighborhood,
the whole ISLAND
I don't like to fly so...
from the Moment I wake up just before I put on my make up
say a little prayer for you (ME)
forever, forever you'll stay in my heart
because I love you
(sorry having a little Dermot Mulroney moment)
I'm missing having a gay boyfriend like that about now, someone that can appreciate the DRAMA
and make me laugh about it instead of stress.
and then there is a wedding , the youngest bonus child getting married.
ahh weddings ,that's where I met my husband , and he was with a date.
hopefully that won't come back to haunt me.
Oh and I'm going to be a (bonus) grand mere.
Lots going on here
Pray for us.
and here are the choices for the girls audition.
vote if you choose.

or this:

or this:

I'm voting for the last one.
The boy is singing this:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ever See 21,000 People Dance to the Same Song?

It sure doesn't suck to be Oprah or Fergie.

Let me explain, Oprah tweeted about this and since I'm one of her ...
ahem... Tweeple I, of course clicked on the link to see this massive dance staged for one of the new episode of Oprah. I wanted to post the original, good quality video of it but you know copgright and all. So off to You Tube I Went and found this from someone filming from a building overlooling the venue.
Check out the original on if you are a black eyed peas fan or just want to be a voyeur to what must have been a BLAST! I actually direct twittered Oprah, It doesn't suck to be you does it? and , Why wasn't I invited I missed most of a Black Eyed Peas concert in Honolulu, due to a huge traffic jam....sniff....snifff.

Here's a link for a better view.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I Love Ellen and So You Think You Can Dance

A new season of So You Think You Can Dance starts tomorrow night!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Deal With It

Thanks to Mark for great information, and inspiration, for me to be bold.

Most of my readers ( yes there is an "s" to that) know what they're getting themselves into. As a homeschool MOM ( I deserve that capitalization) , my kids often come to me when they are working on their own and ask...
Do I really have to do this?
It's stupid
or I already get it can't I explain it to you?
or how will I ever use this?

what do you think? should teachers be subjected to this type of inquisition?
don't get me wrong I love teachers.
NEVER would I attempt to take on 20 kids , with different learning styles, and..... the list goes on.
Teachers, especially the ones that are not compensated so well, thank you!!!
wait all teachers,
thank you!!!
As a homeschool mom I celebrate what you do, it's hard for me with 2, TWO,
students, we share something though. Our love of learning and our deep concern for the next generation, equipping them, making sure they are stewards of ...All. Maybe that's too ambitious but you get the point

Why would we want to tie kids down when they can discover,reinvent, teach, connect, self instruct ( love that word).....and on and on..
The answer is , we as non-digital-natives can't always wrap our mind around that reality.
The point being, who knows what is going to be relevant for our kids in the next 5,10, 15 years?
If they can make a good argument , I listen, and evaluate and then we decide if it's worth the time.

Watch this:
the old school days are just that.
And think about it
what feelings does that conjure up?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

On a "you're awfully ambitious" note

supper club
Top Chef Recipes
do you know how long it took me to cull through the recipes and find something (s) that , for me, were do able?
probably longer than it will take me to
but good food will be had by all
and if all else fails
there will be wine.
The menu:
Asparagus Salad With Wild Mushrooms, Arugula and Bacon Vinaigrette
Coconut and Oat Custard Shrimp, Nectarine Salsa and Avacado Creme Freiche
Roasted Rack of Lamb With Toasted Cumin and Coriander Seed.

Wish me luck
That's Awfully Ambitious!!!!

I Should Be Crying But I Just Can't Let It Show Baby

when a friend told me how much this performance affected her emotionally and that she thought of me
I said, "oh I've already cried all those tears."
I was lying.
The tears are always
the corner.
All The Things We Should've Said That I Never Said,
Make it go away.

Pray God You Can Cope
I'll Stand Outside
This Woman's Work
This Woman's Worth
Ooh, It's Hard On A Man
Now His Part Is Over
Now Starts The Craft... Of The Father

I Know You've Got A Litte Life In You Yet
I Know You've Got A Lot Of Strength Left
I Know You've Got A Little Life In You Yet
I Know You've Got A Lot Of Strength Left

I Should Be Crying But I Just Can't Let It Show,
I Should Hoping But I Can't Thinking,
All The Things We Should've Said That I Never Said,
All The Things We Should Have Done That We Never Did,
All The Things We Should've Given But I Didn't,
Oh Darling Make It Go,
Make It Go Away...

Give Me These Moments,
Give Them Back To Me,
Give Me A Little Kiss,
Give Me Your...

(I Know You've Got A Little Life In You Yet)
Give Me Your Hand Baby,
(I Know You've Got A Lot Of Strength Left)
Give Me Your Pretty Hand,
(I Know You've Got A Little Life In You Yet)
Ooh My,
(I Know You've Got Alot Of Strength Left)
Your Love Child,
(I Know You've Got A Little Life In You Yet)
Whatever You Need,
(I Know You've Got A Lot Of Strength Left)
Give Me Your Hand,
(I Know You've Got A Little Life In You Yet)
Give Me Your Hand Babe
(I Know You've Got A Lot Of Strength Left)

I Should Be Crying But I Just Can't Let It Show Baby,
I Should Hoping But I Can't Thinking,
Of All The Things We Should've Said That We Never Said,
All The Things We Should Have Done That We Never Did,
All The Things That You Wanted From Me,
All The Things That You Needed From Me,
All The Things We Should Have Given But I Didn't,
Oh Darling Make It Go Away Now,
Just Make It Go Away..

That's Awfully Ambitious of You

"That's awfully ambitious of you."
That is a phrase my Mother became fond of in my early married life.
you're catering your own baptism party x2?
that's awfully ambitious of you
you're running a home business with a baby?
that's awfully ambiitous of you
you're going camping with a six month old?
that's awfully ambitious of you
you're homeschooling,when you're husband is an educator?
that's awfully ambitious of you.
I know this sounds very snarky,
My Mother taught me a lot about working hard when you know it's the right thing.
In the end it served her very well,
and I say this with love.
Caring for your Mom with inflammatory breast cancer,
That's very ambitous.
See Mom,
it was all worth it.

ghetto luxury bathroom

we're always happy to create
less is more
or the husband grew up in a really
large catholic family
here's our version of luxury master suite
I like to watch episodes of
in the tub
on the laptop
laptop on the toilet cover


oh and the title , I'm not drunk, Firefox on blogger is changing what I type to
Farsi? Sanskrit? the moment I type a space it becomes an entertaining game of cat and mouse or firefox vs. safari or PC vs. MAC , or the girl needs to return my computer already, or forget it we're both TOO hormonal for THAT or it really does make a nice sobriety test.
enough about me.

this clip is all about what I'm longing for, what moves me
beautiful music
creative expression
physical fitness
the perfect words
haunting melodies

oh and last but not least Jason Mraz's musical talent
put that on the top of the list

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

About Anniversaries Happy and Sad

Two big anniversaries in our house recently.....
Saturday was the anniversary of my Father's death, which was more than surreal for me as I watched the funeral of Ted Kennedy. My parents were both from Boston came from immigrant families, Irish Catholic. To them and to me the Kennedy's were definitely American royalty. So on the anniversary of my Father's death to see Ted Kennedy laid to rest at Arlington Cemetary , where both my parents are together, in the same plot, somehow felt like a full circle moment. I imagine them , with Irish Eyes Smiling at the good company, up in heaven.
How about these Irish Eyes? They are smiling on my wedding day.

And today,
Eighteen years ago I married my husband . At the end of the ceremony we left on a sailboat, out to sea on the adventure that is our married life. The best decision I ever made.