Friday, September 4, 2009

Deal With It

Thanks to Mark for great information, and inspiration, for me to be bold.

Most of my readers ( yes there is an "s" to that) know what they're getting themselves into. As a homeschool MOM ( I deserve that capitalization) , my kids often come to me when they are working on their own and ask...
Do I really have to do this?
It's stupid
or I already get it can't I explain it to you?
or how will I ever use this?

what do you think? should teachers be subjected to this type of inquisition?
don't get me wrong I love teachers.
NEVER would I attempt to take on 20 kids , with different learning styles, and..... the list goes on.
Teachers, especially the ones that are not compensated so well, thank you!!!
wait all teachers,
thank you!!!
As a homeschool mom I celebrate what you do, it's hard for me with 2, TWO,
students, we share something though. Our love of learning and our deep concern for the next generation, equipping them, making sure they are stewards of ...All. Maybe that's too ambitious but you get the point

Why would we want to tie kids down when they can discover,reinvent, teach, connect, self instruct ( love that word).....and on and on..
The answer is , we as non-digital-natives can't always wrap our mind around that reality.
The point being, who knows what is going to be relevant for our kids in the next 5,10, 15 years?
If they can make a good argument , I listen, and evaluate and then we decide if it's worth the time.

Watch this:
the old school days are just that.
And think about it
what feelings does that conjure up?