Friday, January 9, 2009

Love in times of trouble

so the back thing has me introspective
when your body goes all Linda Blair on you
you should listen
so the sweetest things... happened
my daughter made me a super dooper long straw
because I was so put out
lifting my head was akin to
pushing the baby out.
I'll let you think about that for a while
because it is REAL.
so she put two straws together OMG
a patent or an honorary patent was warranted
and the boy's sweetest act was to bring me biscuits with honey
maybe they really do love me


Anonymous said...

Yes, they love YOU and so do I. Sorry I wasn't more present for you.
Take a vacation at Keiki. The girl and the boy will do fine for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they love YOU and so do I. Sorry I wasn't more present for you.
Take a vacation at Keiki. The girl and the boy will do fine for a couple of days.