Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm Starting To Think Like An Old Geezer

music and pining
the boy is so frustrated because he wants a song and he can't find it or down load it.
enter old geezer, me
just kind of laughing in a complete old geezer way

you are so lucky
when I was a girl my whole motivation for baby sitting was music

I would baby sit all night and take my four dollars and run the next day to the store and buy a new album
my heart would literally race as I ran home
could not wait to put the album on the turntable
and then I would listen over and over
so I could get the lyrics down
they didn't have them with the music in those days
so I would play a part and write it down
and play it again and write it down
until I had the whole song and I could sing along
belt it out with the speakers on either side of my head
so I couldn't hear my less than perfect voice
but at the same time I felt like I was a rock star
on stage performing

oops so yeah back to the I can't find that song right now
can't relate

so more on technology and how it has changed being separated from a loved one
when it comes to being separated from someone you love
I remember being separated from a boyfriend
he went to college after a summer of
Everything it's meant to be at a certain age
I missed him terribly,
it hurt,
physically hurt
and every day I waited for the MAIL to come
seems so 100 YEARS OLD now, really.
I waited, I pined for a letter and when it came I read it over and over
and I wrote back pen and paper, page after page.
I sealed it with a kiss and waited again

here's the funny thing
the boy,
who has been trained well,
said, do we have any paper?
I want to write my g friend a love letter
here's the sweet part:

they have been
Im ing
web chat
plain old talking on the phone for hours

and he still wants to write her an old fashion welcome
love letter


jay said...

i love it!

Anonymous said...

Word. I used to get a letter from my boyfriend every. single. day. in the mail. I punched holes in them and kept them in a 3-ring binder. Then I had a ceramonious burning of them after I dumped him. Kids these days miss out on that.