I woke up today feeling o.k. ready to get information. As I drove closer to the doctor's office my stomach was yelling hello you're not o.k you're scared!! Point taken.
I ride the elevator and breathe deeply. Sign in at the office a sweet face says hello Lisa. I'm like- you know who I am?
Does that mean you know more than I do and you feel bad for me? breathe.... go for People magazine, reading celebrity gossip always takes YOUR mind off of things , look at all those cute celebbabies.
An article about Julianne Hough and her endomitriosis, the uterine lining growing outside of her uterus attached to other organs ouch , but hey it beats cancer I'll take it.
Then of course I come upon the cancer article don't read it don't read it...
Thankfully just about that time my name was called I had the weigh in (oh please not again the third time in three weeks, how do I gain three pounds just by turning the ignition and driving on the freeway?) go into the examining room and wait more.
Cruel and unusual punishment when we are talking about the "c" word.......... read more People magazine .... Dr. walks in smiling ..o.k that's good ..."good news it's normal."
O.k. so I have an abnormal uterus with normal cells .... I'll take it , I think. but where do I go from here?
My ovaries are different size, but within normal range, that pain keep an eye on it , go get the colonoscopy and if your symptoms continue, we will re evaluate.
So here is the tricky thing about ovarian cancer the symptoms are benign- most women experience them at one time or another . Bloating, constipation, followed by diarrhea, back ache. I say to my Doctor " but the symptoms are so benign how often do I sound the alarm?" She says 'I know I wish there was a better test but that's all we have for now."
Well that sucks but for today there is a really good chance 95% ( diagnostically) that I Don't have ovarian or uterine cancer. O.K I'LL TAKE THAT!
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