Friday, November 7, 2008

What Now?

I don't know if it is the economic crisis, a recent health scare or the fact that my son, the 36 hour boy, is a sophomore in high school , but I have been thinking a lot lately what now?  I haven't worked full time in almost fourteen years.  I wouldn't, couldn't go back to being a buyer so what WILL I do when I have to grow up for the second time? I've got time to figure it out so maybe writing about what I find interesting, what my life is like now will help me figure that out.  I've been poking around looking on Craigslist, Hawaii Jobs on Demand etc.. and it is demoralizing to realize that I could do data  entry for $15  a hour.  Heck I pay my daughter, the 12 hour girl, that much to do laundry for me.  

I have always said that I am the retirement plan in our marriage.  My husband is older than me, and he was silly enough to agree all those years ago to my quiting my job to be home with the kids, cutting our income in half.  So when he is ready to retire , off I go to work while he gets to stay home, sleep late, read blogs, watch YouTube, and not do laundry like I have been doing all these years. Only kidding about that, I haven't been watching YouTube all these years. It's a scary prospect combined with the fact that our retirement accounts have tanked to who-knows-what because we can't even bear to look not  even with one eyeball.  The one thing I have going for me is I live in Hawaii a beautiful place where it is warm all year.  So my fall back plan is to buy another tent ( because we would need his and her tents for sure), and live on the beach, plenty of people do it. As they say here, we could live off the aina (land), fish, get fruit from the fruit trees in the mountains , hunt for boars, raise chickens and live in our bathing suits.  Plenty of people's situations are bleak compared to that right?  Off to YouTube I go, I hear Britney and Justin performed with Madonna last night.