Here is what we were doing while the turkey was cooking. Lucky we live Hawaii.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
grounding your kid is exhausting
"That's it give me your sidekick", she handed it over rather quickly which left me suspicious.
A few minutes later I go in to check on her only to find her talking on her old phone. She had taken the sim card out of the sidekick and put it in her old phone.
" Now you have no TV you knew I meant no phone not just no sidekick. "
She is in her room quietly working on her laptop, yeah or so I thought , only to find out she is watching TV on her computer.
"No computer, TV or cell phone. "
Shortly after this I hear her talking to someone, please let it be the dog , what else have I forgotten ?
The home phone!
"No talking on any phone or via any means of communication, no Skype, no ichat no talking!
No TV, no video, no TV on computer, no watching outside someone's mini van while their kids watch a video inside.
Do your homework, and for dinner you can have the crumbs still on your floor since you did not vacuum.
Have I covered it all?"
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Labels: information overload, parenting, teenagers
Friday, November 21, 2008
Pink Tu Tu
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: hawaii, luck we live hawaii, ocean
What You Talkin Bout Willis?
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: dogs, Teddy, tibbie trouble
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Humor For The Day
Just getting my Christmas wish list together. The " I love not camping" key chain or flask.
Camping is the new "C" word.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: "c" word, camping, christmas gifts i might like
This Is Cute
OOHHH I want to have fun with photo booth like this, great song too.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: hawaii, Julia Nunes, photo booth, ukulele, you tube
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
On Being Vulnerable
"We connect through our vulnerabilities more deeply than through our strengths."
I find this to be so true, here are a few instances that come to mind. When I was first dating my husband I was blinded by love and somehow he convinced me that white water rafting, on class five rapids, in the snow, was a good idea. I grew a lot as a person that day, I trusted my life to a man named Rob, he was our guide. We were the lead raft so the first to go through every rapid. I remember there were a few rapids that were so steep you couldn't see where they ended. I loved Rob at the end of that day for giving me the thrill of a lifetime and keeping me out of the freezing water. I still remember the advice he gave if anyone went in the river (and two rafts did) "breathe when you can."
Another time being vulnerable made me instantly close to someone: when the anesthesiologist gave me my epidural. I couldn't catch my breath between contractions , I was in excruciating pain, and he said "don't move. " That was one of the hardest things I'd ever had to do but boy did I love him once it was over.
I was definitely vulnerable while caring for my Mother during her fight with inflammatory breast cancer. I couldn't do it all , I couldn't deal with it all . My friends were awesome, they got me through that time they did more than my siblings were willing or able to do. I'll never forget them for that, and I hope to return the favor some day.
Last thought on this: if I know this is true, why is it so hard to put yourself out there, to be vulnerable? I guess the answer is trust it takes trust to be vulnerable and it's hard to ask for what you need and it's hard when you ask and people aren't there for you.
The ironic thing is one of the qualities I admire most in someone is when they are real , honest, they don't hide behind a facade of being perfect. We are all imperfect, especially as parents.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: birth, breast cancer gene, friends, vulnerable, white water rafing
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bad Review
I gave up a well paying job so long ago that I feel like I can't even talk about it anymore,that it's irrelevant 15 years later. But the truth is I would be thrilled to make that salary today,15 years later. I take my job as a mom seriously and it really sucks to go to bed feeling like I've failed on all accounts, teacher, Mom , Wife.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
23 and me
23 and Me is a company started by two women with the help of Google start up money.
Their product allows you to purchase a kit for $399 ( price was recently reduced from $1000) and do an in home test which tells you things that you are genetically pre disposed to. Previously, if I wanted to get tested for the breast cancer gene I would have to pay $1800 now I have another option. The results for some things are research based ( not enough clinical studies to be absolutely conclusive) but for me some information to start with might be worth it. Click on the 23 and Me title and it will link you to a post by someone who bought the test.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: 23 and me, BRACA 1, BRACA 2, breast cancer gene, genetic testing, google
Puppy Love
Now that we're getting to know each other and maybe like each other I thought I'd introduce you to some important people (oops I mean pets) in my life. My replacement kids and keepers of the present, Buddy (the white one) and Teddy ( the brown one). More on their personalities later for now just look at how beautiful they are.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 2:42 PM 2 comments
Labels: dogs, puppy love, tibbbies, tibetan spaniels
Friday, November 14, 2008
Not My Proudest Day As A Catholic
Oh the Catholic church how you confuse me.... I have had an on again off again relationship with you and if it weren't for the liberal Jesuits we have taken to visiting on most Sundays I think I might have to break up with you because this is too much. ( luckily our Pastor told us to vote our conscience ..wink ..wink .. vote for Obama if you so choose).
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: catholic and obama, election, Rev. Jay Scott Newman
Cool Science-Meet Maja
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: cancer, first baby ovarian transplant, london woman, ovarian transplant
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
So About That Biopsy
I woke up today feeling o.k. ready to get information. As I drove closer to the doctor's office my stomach was yelling hello you're not o.k you're scared!! Point taken.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: colonoscopy, love life, ovarian cancer, stupid cancer go away, uterine cancer
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Lucky We Live Hawaii

Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 9:34 PM 1 comments
I Hit the Trifecta!!
Not the make you rich kind of trifecta....
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: cancer, crazy sexy cancer, dirty ugly cancer, trifecta, wellness
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Palin Hoping to be Named Ambassador to Africa
This is too funny, head on over to Huffington Post and read Andy Borowitz.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 2:05 PM 1 comments
Labels: huffington post, sarah palin
So the 36 hour boy was in Rent tonight, proud beyond words more on that later... but here are the songs swimming through my head...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
What You See Is What You Get
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Obama's official photographer has posted some candids from election night on Flickr. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to be anyone connected with Obama on that night.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: election night, mr.president, obama
Friday, November 7, 2008
Yes He Did!
Hawaii and the rest of the world breathe a sigh of relief. I had to put this video up because it makes me happy and it gives me hope that we can recover from the mess of the last eight years. I was humming it in my head as I waited two hours to vote and I can't help but thinking Obama's Tutu and Mom are drifting somewhere in time humming it too.
The best thing heard on election day- a volunteer says to a young woman "thank you for your patience" and the woman responds with "I've been waiting for eight years, two hours in nothing."
The worst thing heard on election day proposition eight legalizing discrimination passes, along with other bans on same sex marriage. Also Arkansas' ban on adoption and foster care for unmarried couples. How can we put an African American man in the White House and turn around and discriminate against 20% of the population? How can 70% of African American voters vote for proposition eight when they have been fighting against discrimination for so long? Why is it that the young people of America are more accepting? At least their future is looking brighter. There is still a lot of work to be done to create a world where all people feel safe, where all people are valued for what they bring to the day and not for how they look , who they do or don't worship, and who makes them happy at the end of the day.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 3:51 PM 0 comments
What Now?
I don't know if it is the economic crisis, a recent health scare or the fact that my son, the 36 hour boy, is a sophomore in high school , but I have been thinking a lot lately what now? I haven't worked full time in almost fourteen years. I wouldn't, couldn't go back to being a buyer so what WILL I do when I have to grow up for the second time? I've got time to figure it out so maybe writing about what I find interesting, what my life is like now will help me figure that out. I've been poking around looking on Craigslist, Hawaii Jobs on Demand etc.. and it is demoralizing to realize that I could do data entry for $15 a hour. Heck I pay my daughter, the 12 hour girl, that much to do laundry for me.
Posted by Growing Up the Second Time at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: britney spears, economic crisis, hawaii, health scare, justin timberlake, laundry, madonna, returning to work