Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Listen To The Universe When It Tells You To Stay Home

So my husband comes in this morning and announces he is taking off so we can go to the North Shore to see the big surf and Vans triple crown. This is the last day for two of my bonus kids before they have to head back to Cali. I'm bummed because I have to take my daughter and her friend to their charter school for the weekly face time.
Cue music.................
Go to Charter School and the weekly science class is cancelled. O.K. maybe this is God's way of saying " Go to the North Shore, see big waves , it is some of my best work."
Off we go, have a great lunch and notice on the way to the car my purse feels a little light, no keys. Keys in ignition.
Cue "don't worry" music.
This has happened before, I know how to McGyver it, got the tool for Jacking the car from husband, pry door open using fin as leverage, throw in a some awesome, kind North shore folks with metal that is just right to pop that automatic lock and we are on our way.
Not a lot of time to catch the contest before we have to get to town. We stop at Chun's about to head home but Waimea calls us...
Fast forward,...
Waimea, 20 feet, look at that ride...where did that car come from.....breaking, breaking, too late crash.
Tourist, rental car,paranoid,asshole,lives in Alaska must be deficient in Vitamin D.
Lovely female police officer, looking really hard to find damage on Alaska guys car, rolling eyes, taking report.
Female passenger in Alaska guys car , dizzy.
She was fine until the police officer got there.
Finally home after horrible day, pour glass of wine, check e-mail, spill wine on keyboard.
Tomorrow I am agoraphobic.